Tripur Kshatriya Samaj
Activities of Society
Health Camps:
The health statistics of people of
Tripura and the Tripuri people in particular are very poor. The Tripuris who
live in the interior, remote and hilly area of the state are the victims of poor
health infrastructure of Tripura state. There are very few health institutions
to provide emergency health services to these villages’ folks. If emergency
arise they all have to depend on the Ochai, who is also a priest for health care
and immediate helps. This led to development of superstitions among the Tripuri
people in relation to diseases and ailments. In the mid night, when a baby
become rest less for abdomen pain or the pregnant women cries for labour pain,
or a snake bitten groans of pains, it is this Ochai who help in the most
difficult and helpless time.
many of the dispensary there is hardly any doctor posted, so these village folks
had to travel far and wide to reach to any dignified health institution. Over
and above in such institution the cost of treatment is very expensive, some time
they had to sell out their domestic animals like cows, ox, mortgage land or some
times even sell out their cultivable land to save lives of family members from
serious diseases.
give a glass of water to the thirsty person is a life saving, similarly to give
some medicine to a patient suffering from agony is a charity. Tripur Kshatriya
Samaj organized series of health camps to give health care to the most
underprivileged section of the society. Qualified doctors attended and treated
patients in these health camps and distributed medicine free of costs. Large
numbers of patients attended the health camps and took the benefit of free
health check ups and medicine. In these health camps apart from the health
checkups, talks on health, hygiene, and nutrition are also given so that they
would follow these health tips and get the good health. The health camps were
attended by Dr. Parhto Debbarma, Dr. Madhabi Debbarma, Amarendra Debbarma,
Maharam Debbarma, Bidhan Debbarma, Madhu Debbarma etc.
Bonsibari, Bisramganj: The first health camp was organized on 7/3/09 by
Tripur Kshatriya Samaj at the Bongsibari, Bisram ganj. About four hundred
patients attended the camps and get the health checkup done and took the
medicine free of costs. In the health camps the president of the samaj, Shri
Amarendra Debbarma gave he inaugural speech and invited all the people of
Bongsibari village to take the advantages of health camps. Besides Dr. Partha
Debbarma spoke on the occasion and advised the people to shun smoking, drinking,
to take regular baths, keep one self clean and take non-spicy diet for better

Khwrwimura: Next health camp was organized at the khwrwimura, near the
Bisram ganj bajar. It was held in the evening time after the Bongsibari camp.
Some 150 patients came for health checkups, take treatment and received
medicines. Many patients were treated for anemia, who are chronically suffering
from this disease.
Golaghati: Health camp cum awareness of Tripuri religion and culture was
held at the market place of Golaghati. Many village folk from the neighboring
villages came forward to listen to about our ancestors heritages and on way to
good health. The camp was held on 8/3/09 from morning to evening 4 PM and about
350 patients attended the camp for health checkups and medical care.
bari: This health camp was held on 9/3/09, nearest from the capital city of
Agartala. Many sick patients, pregnant ladies, old and children alike came for
health checkups and treatment. People were very happy to get the medical care at
door step which was hitherto never known to them. The health camp was preceded
by speech on culture and religion of the Tripuri people.
manu: the health camp was organized at Bokafa area. Local leaders and
distinguished person of the society took active involvement in managing the
health camp. Local leader was made chair person of the program and Shri Kenaram
Riang had helped in arranging the snacks and tiffin for doctors attending the
health camp. About 400 patients attended the camp on 10/3/09 which lasted for
about 4 hours. Local leaders also spoke on the occasion and invited the
community to take benefit of the camps.
A health camp cum awareness campaign was organized on 12/03/09 at Maharani under
Salema block. There was huge number of patients and general public who attended
the gathering cum health camp. Local social leaders like Shri Parimal Debbarma
organized the gathering very systematically and made the health camp cum
gathering a successful. About 500 patients attended do take the free health
checkup and treatment.
Gilatoli: Another health camp cum gathering was held at Gilatoli near
Uttar Maharanipur. About 250-300 patients came to receive free health checkups
and free distribution of medicine. A local enthusiastic youth Prabhat Debbarma
actively involved to make the camp a successful.
Hezamara: Next health camp was done at the Hezamara area of Sidai block.
About 300 patients came to avail free medical care at their doorstep. People
were grateful to the services provided to them free of costs.
Final health camp for the month of March was held on 15/3/09 at Mandwi. The
local artist arranged cultural program on the occasion in the honour of
attending doctors and team before the health camp. Local leaders and the team
had delivered speech on the occasion about the importance so our age old
religious and cultural heritages that needs to be protected by any cost. After
the program health checkups were done and medicine distributed free of cost.
Parakotor: Health camp was organized at the Parakotor village market on
12/4/09 and large numbers of Tripuri people came forward to take the benefit of
free checkups and free medicine. Octogenarian leader Shri Gurucharan Debbarma
and Ochai Jyotilal took the chair of president and chief guest on the occasion.
About 300 patients attended the meeting and discussed the present scenario of
culture and religion and affect of foreign religion on us. The health checkup
and medicine distribution were done by Dr. Partho Debbarma, Dr. Atul Debbarma.
One health camp was held at Twikormo under Teliamura on 14/5/09 on the behest of
local energetic youths like Krishna Chandra, Dasarath, Manoj and Rajesh
Debbarma. The health camp was preceded by health talk and awareness on our
religion and cultural heritages. People gathered in large numbers and listened
attentively about it various Tripur Kshatriya Samaj leaders like Amarendra,
Chitta, Bidhan, Maharam Spoke on the occasion. Beside Dr. Madhabi, Dr. Atul, Dr.
Partho checked up the patients and distributed medicine freely. Local residents
also arranged lunch in honour of the visiting doctors and guests in all the
health camps.
Baijalbari: In the Khowai subdivision one health camp was organized on
21/05/09 at the market shed of the area. The camp was started with talks on
glorious Tripuri heritages and her way of life. It was attended by about 100
participants; people felt the need of such awareness camp on Tripuri indigenous
religion and culture. Dr. Partho and Dr. Atul checked up the health of the
patients and distributed medicine free of charges. Local resident actively
involved to in the gathering. People were of the view that if it would have been
informed in advance more then 300 people would have gathered on the occasion.
They further requested to organize such awareness camp in near future at the
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Brainstorming Workshop
Wansukmung panda
Wansukmung panda or Brainstorming workshop was organized for six days from 6th
may to 10th may at Dasarath Hukumu Nok, Supari Bagan, Agartala. It
was residential workshop, where about 40 people could stay at the rooms of
Dasarath memorial hall. The works shop was discussion on the present social,
religious, spiritual and cultural scenario of Tripuri people, its root cause,
remedy and planning of strategy to preserve, practice and promote Tripuri’s
thousands of year old such rich and golden heritages. About 80 people
participated daily in the session the session starts right at 8 AM in the
morning ad finishes at 5:30 PM. The punctuality was strict to the real timing
and it has been coined as Tripura timing.
All the
participants were given chance to speak and give their opinion and suggestion on
how to preserve, protect, and promote our religion, culture and customs. Every
body participated and gave valuable suggestions on the subjects. Among the
participants who were residential they also participated in the evening in
cultural activities.
workshop was provided with breakfast, lunch and evening tea and dinner. Most of
the participants actively involved in the workshop and voluntarily came forward
and donated for the expenditure of workshop. The expenses of the workshop were
done by the subscription of members of Tripur Kshatriya Samaj who are dedicated
for the cause. Overall the workshop was a success and planned the activity to
carry out in the year 2009-10.
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Brainstorming Workshop Schedule
First day Schedule 6/5/09
Topic |
Resource Person |
8:00-9:00 AM |
Introduction & Threat on Tripuri dharma and
Sanskriti |
Atul |
9:00-9.30 AM |
Break Fast |
9.30-10:00 AM |
Motivational words from Kasko |
Amarendra |
10.00-10:30 AM |
Aims and objective of TKS |
Maharam |
10.30-11.30 AM |
Meditation and its benefit |
Buddha |
11.30-12.30 PM |
Participants view and discussion |
12.30-1.30 PM |
Lunch |
1.30-2.30 PM |
Tripura Samaj of the past |
Arun |
2.30-3.30 PM |
Human History & Anthropology |
Atul |
3.30-3.45 PM |
Evening tea & discussion on dowry |
3.45-4.45 PM |
Subrai dharma and its protection |
Chitta |
6:00-9:00PM |
Video Show and cultural Program |
Second day Schedule 7/5/09
Topic |
Resource Person |
8:00-9:00AM |
Tripura Civilization |
Atul |
9:00-9.30 AM |
Break Fast |
9.30-10:30 AM |
Youths role in preserving
culture |
Madhusudhan |
10.30-11.30 AM |
Meditation and its impact
on health |
Biswarani |
11.30-12.30 PM |
Participants view &
discussion |
12.30-1.30 PM |
Lunch |
1.30-2.30 PM |
Rajmala & its relevance
Madhabi |
2.30-3.30 PM |
Society and Customs
Sukanta |
3.30-3.45 PM |
Evening tea and
discussion on witches |
3.45-4.45 PM |
Tripuri Sanatan Dharma
and its threat |
Chitta Maharaj |
6:00-9:00PM |
Video Show and cultural Program |
Third day Schedule 8/5/09 (Friday)
Topic |
Resource Person |
8:00-9:00 AM |
Participants view |
9:00-9.30 AM |
Break Fast |
9.30-10:30 AM |
Dedication for the mother land and her
religion |
Purno |
10.30-11.30 AM |
Mahabharata and Geeta are related to Tripuri
people. |
Madhabi |
11.30-12.30 PM |
History of religion & Abrahamic religion
Kirata religion and their influence on Hinduism |
Atul |
12.30-1.30 PM |
Lunch |
1.30-2.30 PM |
Organizational management |
Narendra Siyari |
2.30-3.30 PM |
Folk tales and its relation with Puran |
3.30-3.45 PM |
Evening tea and discussion on blind faiths
3.45-4.45 PM |
Customary law and its
benefit |
R.K. Debbarma |
6:00-9:00PM |
Video Show and cultural Program |
Fourth day Schedule 9/5/09 (Saturday)
Topic |
Resource Person |
8:00-9:00 AM |
Participants view |
9:00-9.30 AM |
Break Fast |
9.30-10:30 AM |
Planning of TKS and its constitution
10.30-11.30 AM |
Role of Youths in preserving and promoting
Tripuri culture and religion |
Ajita |
11.30-12.30 PM |
A BDO view to spirituality and austerity
Pradip |
12.30-1.30 PM |
Lunch |
1.30-2.30 PM |
Elders role in preserving our religion
Akhirai |
2.30-3:00 PM |
Agartala Goria and Community Goria for greater
acceptance. |
Dr. Arun |
3-3.30 PM |
Organizing a health Camp & spreading the
awareness |
Dr. Partho |
3.30-3.45 PM |
Evening tea and discussion |
3.45-4.45 PM |
How to Manage Hoda and prevent conversion |
R.P. Jamatia
6:00-9:00PM |
Video Show and cultural Program |
Fifth day Schedule 10/5/09
Topic |
Resource Person |
8:00-9:00 AM |
Participants view |
9:00-9.30 AM |
Break Fast |
9.30-10:30 AM |
Women's role in preserving our religion
Deepali |
10.30-11.30 AM
Year wise planning of activity for five
years |
11.30-12.30 PM |
Management of registers
Financial planning of activity |
12.30-1.30 PM |
Sharing experience on management of Buddhist
Dhammadipa School |
Dhammapiya |
1.30-2.30 PM |
Lunch |
2.30-3.30 PM |
Recitation of nationalist poems |
Different poets |
3.30-3.45 PM |
Vote of thanks |
Bidhan |
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Awareness Seminar
Awareness about the origin
of Tripuri people, history of Tripura, of its glorious past, their original
religious belief, their gods and goddesses, of their culture, custom rites and
rituals heritages meeting were done to rekindle the nationalistic pride about
them selves
and their golden history at various places.
people are informed in advanced about the meeting of awareness. Local people
help in gathering and arranging the meeting. A big hall or an open space in the
evening selected to show in the projector about their history and heritages.
With the help of power point presentation the show begins with the creation of
the universe and earth. Then how the life and the human being came into
existence in the earth is shown. Next is how and where from Tripuri people first
settled their civilization is shown with the help of maps, photos and written
documents photo copies from different books. They are shown what was their route
of migration, of different place they settled in the past and when and how the
reached to the present state.
They are
also shown what way they used to worship, what were their gods and goddess with
the evidences from photocopies of books. The origin of religious practices of
all over the world and India are also shown for their knowledge. Then the images
of many eastern Asian countries who have excelled both economically and
culturally even with out getting conversion to foreign religion have been shown.
Countries which have converted to foreign religion but could not progress in
economics terms and culturally have also been shown for comparison.
villages where these awareness meeting had been done are, Chengkharu kami,
Promod nagar, Bisram ganj, Dewan bazaar, Twikormo, Baijal bari etc. There were
overwhelming responses from every village, and people every where felt that such
meeting should have been started at least ten years back, but still it is not
Annual Activities
Health Camps cum Seminars Organized
No. Date Place of Health
Camp No. of patients treated
7/3/09 Bisramganj
7/3/09 Koroimura
8/3/09 Golaghati
9/3/09 Madab Kami
10/3/09 Birchandra manu
12/3/09 Kamalpur
13/3/09 Gilatoli klyanpur
14/3/09 Hezamara
15/3/09 Mandwi
12/4/09 Manik hati Brahmachhara
13/5/09 Twikormo
21/5/09 Baijalbari khowai
9/8/09 Malakwtwhi
16/8/09 Promod nagar
23/8/09 Champahawar khowai
20/9/09 Patni bajar
4/10/09 Adivasi kolony
5/10/09 Manubankul Sabrum
6/10/09 Twijilik Sonamura
7/10/09 Asighor mandwi
8/10/09 Gabordi
10/10/09 Amtali
11/10/09 Lalit bajar
7/12/07 Gouranga Sevasram
20/12/08 Gabardee
8/2/09 Dukmali Hati
20/2/09 Binapai School
12/5/09 Promode Nagar
19/5/09 Chengkharu Kamni
20/5/09 Dewan Bajar
30/5/098 Rangmala, Bisram Ganj
10/6/09 Ramnagar, Biram Ganj
20/6/09 Wakhirai Sardar Kami
21/6/09 Rajkumar para Sagoria.
3/11/09 Mannik Hati
4/11/09 Dayaram para, Golahati
6/5/09-10/5/09 Venue
Dasharath Hukumu nok
Celebration of First Anniversary
Dasarath Hukumu Nok, Agartala
1. 8/11/09 Felicitation of Achivers 1. Sourabhee(culture) 2. Sunita Jamatia (Sports) 3.Tanushree Debbrama (Academmic),
Speaches by Presidents, Chief guests, Reports by Secretary, cultural programs.
Preparation of Annual planning, speeches by Executive members, distinguished
Guests and Advisors, Cultural programms and celebration with fireworks.
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